December 12, 2006





我从来不认为一个秀美而又温柔的女子会骑摩托车,因而即使是我根本不了解她,也能看出她根本不会骑摩托车。但我却十分欣赏她坐在摩托车上拍的那几张照——漂亮优雅——是介于古典与现代之间的传奇,有点儿“林妹妹”的味道,却又比林妹妹时尚典雅。事实上,我觉得儒家传统中的审美观在她身上可有可无,而我更乐意把她看成是一个后现代主义中 (Postmodernism)的Ms.Lin。





Daphny's image

It has been four weeks since I affected by Daphny. As a matter of fact she is a gorgeous looking admirable young girl hardly every man on this planet would fancy. If you see a girl like Daphny for the first time, you are blinded by her beauty losing the words you just have put together in your mind from one second to another. And honestly said, I haven’t even met her yet.

It is just her photos that had that kind of effect on me. Briefly said, her appearance is breath-taking. She is natural. She is plain. Her skin has the perfection of white porcelain; her hair is as dark as a deep ocean and as soft as silk. Her eyes remind me of Mona Lisa’s, looking with intensity and gentleness at the same time. She is an ideal of a girl.

But it is not only looks that count. And it is not only her superficial beauty that attracts me. I can see from Daphny’s eyes that she is a warm, gentle person with a good heart. Furthermore she is not that type of girl that is keen on materialistic things; she is looking for human beings of her attitude, of her state of mind.

When I look at her pictures, I remark that her poses are not typical. Normally people do not show any character by there poses, not any insight. It is more like a portrait that intends to show the person in good looking but unnatural state.

Her pictures are different. They show me an insight of her person. Drinking water while holding the bottle in her hand or touching her lips with her index finger are everyday situations. In that way she is not posing, but rather showing a trivial act of everyday life. She is not acting somebody. In my eyes, that is just what real beauty is all about.

Although Daphny is far away, I can enjoy the associations and feelings that her pictures give to people looking at this impressively beautiful Taiwanese girl.While distance between places can be long, distance between people still remain short. At least from my point of view

(Photos by Yu-Cheng Hsiao)